Leon & Jenny are potters that have been working together since 1983.
They met at 6th form, studied art foundation at Ipswich Art School and finally completed degrees, Leon in Fine Art Painting at Canterbury College of Art and Jenny in Ceramics & Glass at Leicester Polytechnic.
Jenny took a break when they had their two children whom they home-educated. Their daughter Louise also makes ceramics along with masks from leather.
They work from home in a studio in their garden.
Their pottery has evolved over many years. In working together Jenny may throw a bowl on the potters wheel and after it has been biscuit fired Leon will hand-decorate it.
Leon does all the slip-casting, a process they use to make some of their clay shapes.
Using what Jenny learned from her university degree course they design & make all their own shapes, models and plaster moulds.

Working from home they enjoy gardening & growing their own veg. Their garden and surrounding countryside has been the source of inspiration for many of their designs. Leon is is interested in hares, wild birds and is particularly
fond of the bearded tits at Walberswick marshes.

Once pieces have been slip-cast or thrown in earthenware clay they are fired once (biscuit fired). Leon then decorates the pieces with underglaze colours, oxides & stains using various techniques such as stencilling, sponging, wax resist and brushwork . He coats them with clear glaze and they are fired in an electric kiln to 1165°c.

Jenny also throws pots in stoneware and every piece is slightly different. Pieces are biscuit fired and sometimes decorated with wax resist, then glazed by dipping and over-dipping to create different glaze effects. She mixes her own glazes and they are fired to about 1270°c in an electric kiln.
The whole process for something large or small from start to finish takes
about 2-3 weeks.